How to choose the right career CBS

Marketing manager

As a marketing manager you will oversee and optimize the marketing efforts and align best practices. You will also participate in creating marketing content and develop the marketing strategy.

‘Marketing manager’ and ‘Marketing coordinator’ are closely related. The titles can even cover the same job content. But often Marketing managers do more planning and Marketing coordinators do more execution.


What does a Marketing manager do?

  • Plan, develop and execute marketing strategy

  • Collaborate with internal specialists and external agencies in developing marketing content

  • Analyze performance of campaign – learn and optimize

  • Organize and participate in events

  • Take responsibility for budget and spending of the marketing activities

  • Assist development of materials (e.g. sales materials) and ensure consistency


Example of work as a Marketing manager

In a small travel agency, the marketing manager has been diving into the performance of the past year’s marketing efforts. By analyzing reach, sales and costs he can see what works well.

He gathers his findings in a presentation which he shows to his marketing colleagues. Together they come up with ideas of how to continue successful marketing initiatives and what should replace the unsuccessful initiatives.

The marketing manager uses the input to make a draft of the marketing strategy going forward.

He brings this draft to the Head of Marketing, so she has both data and solution suggestions for when she decides targets, strategy and budget for the coming year.

Job in a glance

Relevant skills

  • Project management

  • Stakeholder management

  • Analytical capabilities

  • Communication skills

  • Knowledge of marketing

  • Business acumen

Search terms

  • Marketing specialist

  • Marketing graduate

  • Marketing consultant

  • Marketing lead

Where will I work

In marketing departments in companies of all sizes or specialized marketing consultancies.

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